Engineering Manager (m/f/d) Digital Health

Contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI), Temps plein · Köln, Homeoffice

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About BetterDoc

"Your help is hard to put into words, because you offer a service that you would think only millionaires get! If I could, I would give you 13 out of 10 points."

Heidrun, 74 years 

(for learning more on her case, please read until the end)

Who is the right doctor or the right clinic for my situation? Who has the most experience with my condition? The choice of the right doctor has a significant impact on the success of the treatment. 

From experience, we know that internet research on the quality of doctors and clinics is time-consuming and frustrating for lay people. Targeted marketing is hardly distinguishable from actual competence and quality. With BetterDoc, the patient has access to crucial information: we find the best possible doctor for the personal situation based on reliable data.

Our team

The Product Development Team

We are building a product that helps patients get the best possible health outcome for their situation. 

We are proud to trust our people instead of controlling them. 

We value curiosity and learning - to support this, we offer dedicated time for personal development and growth.

We depend on self-motivation. We offer a lot and count on you to grab what you need.
Your mission

You take responsibility in changing the way healthcare works in Europe and beyond. With your work you help 1 Mio people in 2028 to get the best possible health outcome through the right doctors or clinics. You leverage technology to enable our employees and patients.

At BetterDoc, the Engineering Manager role is hands-on. You will actively contribute to the codebase while ensuring the best blend of direct involvement and delegation. You will balance hands-on coding with mentoring, guiding the team, and making strategic technical decisions. Your leadership will drive both the technical and personal growth of the engineering team, ensuring high-quality outcomes and continuous improvement.

Execution & Quality:

  • Collaborate with stakeholders on feasibility, scalability, and time-to-market aspects of services and products.

  • Ensure timely delivery of new features, maintain existing ones, and uphold high engineering standards.

  • Write and maintain high-quality, well-tested code aligned with the service architecture.

  • Resolve technical issues through code reviews, system design discussions, and hands-on coding.

  • Prepare fast proofs of concept when needed.

  • Approach engineering work with a security lens, actively seeking vulnerabilities.

Team Leadership:

  • Inspire, develop, and motivate a cross-functional engineering team.

  • Conduct regular 1:1s, set development plans, and foster a positive feedback culture.

  • Deliver praise and constructive feedback to teams, teammates, and managers.

  • Encourage open, respectful discussions and use contradictory opinions for productive conversations.

  • Be open to changing perspectives based on team input.

Product Management:

  • Collaborate with Product Management to oversee team strategy, goals, and metrics.

  • Maintain optimal development processes, technical roadmap, and manage technical incidents.

  • Look for opportunities to simplify product and technical design.

  • Regularly think about team practices and processes, discussing improvements.

Growth Management:

  • Embrace change and develop innovative solutions with the team and stakeholders.

  • Enjoy working as part of a cross-functional team.

  • Understand our engineering strategy and involve yourself in discussions on team implications.

Strategic Guidance:

  • Guide the strategic direction of the team's work and align it with organisational goals.

  • Have excellent communication skills in written English, be self-motivated, and comfortable working remotely.

Your profile


  • Have 10+ years of hands-on experience in software development and architecture, including 2+ years in people management and technical leadership.

  • Are proficient in Elixir and familiar with web development frameworks like Phoenix.

  • Possess practical experience with Domain Driven Design, and understand SQL, databases, and basics of user experience design.

  • Have a solid foundation in software patterns, data structures, algorithms, and scalable data-intensive architectures.

  • You have experience in building and maintaining microservices architectures, ensuring services are loosely coupled, highly cohesive, and independently deployable.

  • Have a proven track record of leading and scaling product development teams, with a passion for coaching and growing software engineers at all levels.

  • Are experienced in developing long-term engineering roadmaps, and implementing strong agile practices and project management skills.

  • Are proficient in monitoring and alerting, ensuring teams take ownership of their work beyond deployment and feature development, with a basic understanding of DevOps/CloudOps, including AWS and Kubernetes (K8s).

At BetterDoc, you will work to deliver value, not to fulfil a spec. We value curiosity, the will to learn and the drive to deliver great software. We look for people that want to see their influence on what was created and who are proud of their craft. Your place of work is in or within reasonable distance of Cologne to allow you to work closely with our management team even if most of the work is remote.

Please be aware that if you do not live in a country belonging to the European Union or you are not planning to move to the EU, we cannot follow up on your application.
What BetterDoc offers you
  • An interesting and challenging role with excellent development prospects and creative opportunities

  • Room for creativity and personal development

  • Training and seminars to deepen your knowledge and become a perfect expert in Data Engineering

  • “Innovation Fridays” to learn, explore and share innovative ideas.

  • The opportunity to elevate the topic of "Quality in Medicine" to a unique level in Europe and help millions of people with your work

  • A motivated and high-profile team (Engineers, Medical Experts, Data Analysts and Scientists, Product Designers, etc.)

  • Opportunity to participate in the long-term incentive program

  • Flexible working hours & remote work

  • International work atmosphere

  • "Deutschland-Ticket" for local transport with a subsidy from BetterDoc

  • Latest hardware (Macbook Pro)

  • Contribution to the Urban Sports Club

  • Company pension plan (bAV) with a 30% employer contribution

  • Additional flexibility through workations within the EU

  • ... And last but not least – helping people like Heidrun:

The senior citizen has been experiencing leg and foot pain while walking for several years. Her previous doctor diagnosed peripheral arterial occlusive disease in both legs. The patient underwent surgery to insert stents, but only achieved slight improvement.

Unhappy with the results of the operation and her overall health situation, the 74-year-old sought the expertise recommended by BetterDoc. The specialist thoroughly examines the senior citizen and suggests that circulatory problems may be due to a narrowing of an abdominal artery. Consequently, he refers her to a hospital for further investigation. An angiography is conducted, confirming the specialist's suspicions: the patient indeed has a severe narrowing of an abdominal artery, causing the pain in her legs.

This issue can be addressed through surgery, offering a causal treatment for the patient's pain.


You want to support us on our exciting mission and change the healthcare market? Then apply now! 

Your contact person in Human Resources is Jonas Topp (

We look forward to your application.

About us

Who we are and what we do

We are BetterDoc. A young digital health company with over 200 employees in Cologne and Basel. We support patients with serious illnesses and complex diagnoses by finding the best possible doctors for their specific health problem. To do this, we use and analyze publicly available quality data as well as the expertise of our expert panel and the valuable experience of other patients. Since 2012, we have already been able to help many thousands of patients in finding the right doctor for their specific health problem. We have also been part of the Otto Group since 2022, which supports us in our mission. 

Why we do it

We want to give every single patient the best possible access to healthcare in Germany and Switzerland. It is still far too common for patients to be left alone after a diagnosis, hoping for a competent second opinion and having to undergo unnecessary treatment or surgery - a major burden for patients and our healthcare system. Our services contribute to greater transparency in the healthcare system, enable patients to make informed decisions and improve their quality of life when choosing the best qualified doctor.

Who we are committed to 

BetterDoc is solely committed to the well-being of the patient. Owner-managed since our founding in 2012, we act independently of doctors, clinics and networks and thus avoid conflicts of interest with our doctor research. We work closely with (health) insurances in Germany and Switzerland and ensure that, with these collaborations, our patients can use the BetterDoc service for free. We also integrate our service into the corporate health management of employers throughout Germany.

Where we want to go

More than 20 million people already have free access to our service. Through further collaborations in the insurance and employer sectors, we want to continuously increase the number of patients to whom BetterDoc is available at no cost so we can meet their individual needs.

A job that matters

There are few other German digital health companies in which you would have such a direct opportunity to help people who have suffered a health emergency and to improve their quality of life. Whether in software development, accounting or patient care - our employees make a valuable contribution to society with their work. 

Über uns
Wer sind wir und was machen wir?
Wir sind BetterDoc. Ein junges Digital Health Unternehmen mit über 200 Mitarbeitenden an den Standorten Köln und Basel. Wir unterstützen Patientinnen und Patienten bei schwerwiegenden Krankheitsverläufen und komplexen Diagnosen, indem wir für sie die bestmöglichen Ärztinnen und Ärzte für das spezifische Gesundheitsproblem finden. Um das zu tun, nutzen und analysieren wir öffentlich zugängliche Qualitätsdaten sowie die Expertise unseres Experten-Beirats und wertvolle Erfahrungswerte anderer Patienten. Seit 2012 konnten wir bereits vielen tausenden Patientinnen und Patienten helfen, den richtigen Arzt oder die richtige Ärztin für das jeweilige gesundheitliche Problem zu finden. Zudem gehören wir seit 2022 zur Otto Group, die uns auf unserer Mission unterstützt. 

Warum machen wir das?
Wir möchten jeder einzelnen Patientin und jedem einzelnen Patienten den bestmöglichen Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung in Deutschland und in der Schweiz ermöglichen. Noch immer kommt es viel zu häufig vor, dass Patientinnen und Patienten nach einer Diagnose allein gelassen werden, sich eine kompetente Zweitmeinung wünschen und sich einer unnötigen Behandlung oder Operation unterziehen – eine große Belastung für die Betroffenen und für unser Gesundheitssystem. Unsere Services tragen zu einer größeren Transparenz im Gesundheitswesen bei, befähigen Patientinnen und Patienten zu einer informierten Entscheidung und erhöhen bei der Wahl des optimal qualifizierten Arztes die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen.

Wem sind wir verpflichtet?
BetterDoc ist einzig dem Wohle der Patientinnen und Patienten verpflichtet. Seit unserer Gründung 2012 inhabergeführt, agieren wir unabhängig von Ärztinnen und Ärzten, Kliniken und Netzwerken und vermeiden somit Interessenkonflikte bei unserer Arztrecherche. Wir arbeiten eng mit den Krankenkassen und Versicherungen in Deutschland und der Schweiz zusammen und sorgen mit diesen Kooperationen dafür, dass unsere Patientinnen und Patienten den BetterDoc Service kostenlos nutzen können. Zudem integrieren wir unseren Service in das Betriebliche Gesundheitsmanagement von Arbeitgebern in ganz Deutschland. 

Wo wollen wir hin?
Über 20 Millionen Menschen haben bereits kostenfreien Zugang zu unserem Service. Durch weitere Kooperationen im Versicherungs- und Arbeitgeberbereich wollen wir die Anzahl unserer Patientinnen und Patienten, denen BetterDoc kostenfrei zur Verfügung steht
sukzessive erhöhen und weiterhin unseren Patientinnen und Patienten individuell gerecht werden.   

Ein Job mit Sinn!
In kaum einem anderen deutschen Digital Health Unternehmen hast Du so unmittelbar die Möglichkeit, den Menschen, die in eine gesundheitliche Notlage geraten sind, weiterzuhelfen und ihre Lebensqualität zu verbessern. Ob in der Software-Entwicklung, bei der Patientenaufnahme oder in der Buchhaltung - Unsere Mitarbeitenden leisten mit ihrer Arbeit einen wertvollen gesellschaftlichen Beitrag.
Nous sommes impatients de vous voir !
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